Hey Everybody!

Sorry for a delay in blogging, I was surprised with a vacation to the Bahamas! As you can tell, I didn't really think about blogging until I got back. My wife surprised me with the trip, I had no idea! I thought we were going to dinner, it wasn't until we pulled up to the airport and I got out seeing packed bags that I caught on! I don't know if that is a good thing, or a bad thing if that happened again! I apparently could be kidnapped without knowing! LOL When we got to the Carnival cruise, at Port Canaveral was when everything clicked! So our adventure started at 4pm, but being that it was a long day of traveling, we decided to take a nap. When we got up to go to dinner, Cyndi stated she wasn't feeling well, me, thinking that she was hungry because she always says she doesn't feel good when she is hungry, I didn't put 2 and 2 together that she was getting seasick. And the combination of being pregnant was a recipe for disaster since she can't really take anything for it! As we proceeded to Deck 10 to get to the dining area, Cyndi blurted out that she needed to go outside, and out she went, over the railing! And stayed there for about an hour and a half! Poor girl, she finally said she had a small window to get from Deck 9 to Deck 4 to our room before she had another episode of vomiting! I ran ahead of her to open our cabin door, and right to the waste basket she went! I ordered 6 grilled cheeses and pretzels and lots of ginger ale for her to have something to throw up. She threw up until she passed out of exhaustion. When we woke up we were about to dock in Nassau, so we decided to stay there for the rest of our vacation. But we did enjoy the boat while it was docked until it was time for them to leave so it wasn't a complete waste. When we finally got off, was when our real vacation started. It was a great place of rest and relaxation, we truly did enjoy ourselves! And I truly enjoyed the Guava Puffs, man were those delicious! I must find the recipe and try my hand at it.
But I am here now, and with a few sketches to share with you guys! I have been still plugging along on my concepting portfolio and applying to every job that opens up in the video game industry. But I was told that it could take a while before hearing back from anyone, they say it is a slow process. What is an artist to do to pay bills? Find other avenues, Trading cards for one, I had been asked to participate in the Walking Dead trading card set that is coming out, and also the DC: New 52 trading card set. That should keep me busy for a little while, so that's good. Easy money, and getting artist proofs to sell can double my pay. So that will be good. I also have something in the works that I have been working the old noggin with a friend of mine as a collaboration. More on that in the coming weeks, so stay tuned for that! Especially you South Hill natives, you definitely will get a kick out of the idea! In the mean time, here are a few sketches for you guys!
Goblin concept click to enlarge |
Angel concept click to enlarge
For fun! HAHAHA
Alright you guys, I promise to post more! See you guys in the funny papers!